My Cousin Comes Back From The War

MY COUSIN COMES BACK FROM THE WAR is an ongoing project currently visualised as an interactive novel based on the parallel research on Asger Jorn at Museum Jorn Archives and Ars Artists at Vilnius Art Museum. The project is being developed in collaboration with Tue Brisson Mosich (graphics). The project was presented at SpLab, Århus, Denmark, Gallery Kalnas, Vilnius, Lithuania, VDU menų galerija "101", Kaunas, Lithuania.

"The remit of biopower is then “the security of the whole from internal danger,” so that wars fought are fought in “the name of life necessity” (Foucault 2003:249). The population in whose name war is fought, however, is a distinct population, one that is racialized as the predominant race, inaugurating in its wake what Foucault understands as state racism, a mechanism “introducing a break into the domain of life that is under power's control: the break between what must live and what must die … a way of establishing a biological type caesura within a population that appears to be a biological domain” (2003:254–255)."

"Foucault suggests that the “death of the other” as a guarantee of “my life” is “not … a military, warlike, or political relationship, but a biological relationship,” in that “the enemies who have to be done away with are not adversaries in the political sense of the term; they are threats, either external or internal, to the population and for the population” (2003:255–256). For Michel Foucault, the right to kill in the context of biopower is a right that is enabled by racism, that the killing of the other “sub-species” is aimed at the survival of the species as a whole. At the level of representation, “killing, or the imperative to kill, is acceptable only if it results not in a victory over political adversaries, but in the elimination of the biological threat to or the improvement of the species or race” (2003:256)."